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Higher Education Dispute – Second round of Strike Action

Members of University and College Union branches across the country will be taking local strike action in the following weeks and university branches here in the South West will be taking part in this action on whichever days are deemed by them to have the most effect on employers. This follows a two day national strike in May and ongoing working to contract. The escalation is the result of a continued refusal by employers to address years of falling pay, gender inequality and worsening casualisation in Higher Education.

Branches of course seek maximum publicity for these actions and encourage all trade unionists to contact them and offer practical support or messages of solidarity. This page will be updated with actions across the South West Region and contact details for those branches. You can share this page using the tinyurl (Fair Pay In HE South West) or by using the Facebook and Twitter buttons at the foot of this page.

The University of Bath UCU Branch – Friday 17 June, 2016 – Strike and Boycott of Open Day

Full details can be found on the branches excellent web page posting here:

Contact the branch here:  or @UCUBath

Pickets infographic (printable version):

The Bristol University UCU Branch – Friday 17 June, 2016 – Strike and Boycott

Staff at Bristol have timed their action to hit open days for potential students and their parents. Staff will lobby parents and students as they arrive to explain more about the union’s campaign for fair pay and better conditions.

Bristol union members will also be on picket lines from 8.30am outside the university at the junction of Woodland Road and Tyndall Avenue. They will also be holding a rally outside Senate House at 10:30am.

To contact them email Bristol Uni Union Office

Please send messages of support via Twitter to @Bristol_UCU, using the hashtag #fairpayinhe.

The Oxford Brookes University UCU Branch – Friday 24 June, 2016 – Strike and Information Sharing

Oxford Brookes UCU members have decided to strike on one of the University’s main graduation days. They will speak directly with parents and students in order to inform them about the union’s campaign for fair pay, gender equality, and improved conditions.

Full details can be found on the branch website here:

Contact the branch here:  or @BrookesUCU 

The Plymouth University UCU Branch – Wednesday 22 June, 2016 – Strike and Boycott of Open Day and Assessment Panels

Staff at Plymouth have timed their action to hit the open day for potential students and their parents but also Assessment Panels. Staff will lobby parents and students as they arrive to explain more about the union’s campaign for fair pay and better conditions.

Plymouth union members will be on picket lines from 8.30am outside of Portland Square opposite The Cuba Cafe.

You can contact the branch using the email

Please send messages of support via Twitter to @UCU, using the hashtag #fairpayinhe.

The University of Falmouth UCU Branch – Thursday 30 June 2016 – Strike – Protest

UCU members at The University of Falmouth will picket at University College Falmouth, Woodlane, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RH

You can contact the branch via the Branch Secretary Tom Ingate –

Please send messages of support via Twitter to @UCU, using the hashtag #fairpayinhe.

The Bath Spa University UCU Branch – Tuesday 5 July, 2016 – Strike and Boycott

Staff at Bath Spa have timed their action to hit a university-wide Staff Development Day. Bath Spa UCU members will also be on a picket line from 8am outside the main gate of the Newton Park campus.

To contact them email Bath Spa UCU branch:

The University of the South West of England – Tuesday 5 July, 2016 – Strike

Staff at UWE will strike for the second time on Tuesday 5 July, 2016. There will be a rally at the College Green, Bristol from 11am.

To contact the branch email Branch Secretary Nicky Goodall

The University of St Mark and St John (Marjon), Plymouth – Thursday 7 July, 2016 – Strike and Boycott of University Progression and Awards Boards (PAB)

Staff at Marjon will strike for the second time as part of the National Pay Dispute. Members will withdraw all labour for that day, boycott university events and picket from 7:30am – 3:00pm

For information issued by the University about strike action: http://staffnews/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=3862

To contact the branch email Branch Secretary Michael Hall

The University of Exeter – Monday 11 July, 2016 – Strike

Staff at the University of Exeter will strike on this day. There will be pickets at Stocker Road and Queen’s Drive entrances. Pickets will start at 7:45am and continue through until after 3:00pm. The branch welcomes visitors to the picket in solidarity.

To contact the branch email Branch Secretary Barrie Cooper

Arts University Bournemouth – Tuesday 12 July, 2016 – Strike

Staff at the Arts University Bournemouth will strike on this day. The strike coincides with the School Executive Board. The branch welcomes visitors to the picket in solidarity. Arts University Bournemouth is along the road from Bournemouth University on Fern Barrow, Wallisdown, Poole BH12 5HH

For more information please contact branch secretary Christian Edwardes

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