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May 9th, 2012:

Message of Support for M10 – NUT South West Region

Dear All,

On behalf of the South West Region of the NUT I am sending best wishes and support for your industrial action tomorrow and would be grateful if you could send this on to any of your branches or activists who you think would appreciate knowing of our support.

As you know we are equally concerned about pensions and a number of other issues such as cuts in public services and, although we are not taking action tomorrow, our campaign continues and is likely to involve further industrial action in the months to come.

In the meanwhile we will be working with other unions, both directly and through the South West TUC, to try and give mutual support and we will have officers and activists who are able to make a presence at events tomorrow giving direct support.

With every hope for a successful day for you and for our ongoing campaign against the injustices being imposed on us by the Government.

Andy Woolley

Regional Secretary
National Union of Teachers
South West Region

Office number:    01392 258028
Joining hotline:    0207 380 6369
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Fair Pensions For All - NUT