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May 30th, 2012:

UWE New Workload Model – Ballot Closes Shortly

The University of West England (UWE) ballot for industrial action over the newly imposed Workload Model closes on June 6th. UCU members there are reminded that there is an intervening bank holiday and to get their vote in the post.

UCU committee at the UWE said in their Membership Ballot Newsletter:

“We want a big YES vote to support the case that has been made in the UWE Staff Survey results and the UCU Workload Survey – that academic workloads are unreasonable and unsustainable.”

UCU regional official, Nova Gresham, said:

‘The new workload model has resulted in many staff putting in huge amounts of unpaid overtime and skipping holidays just to keep up. Forcing academics to teach more hours and perform the same demanding research duties is not a blueprint for success. Management has succeeded only in demoralising the workforce with this new system which is clearly not fit-for-purpose. UWE members have been left with no choice but to ballot for industrial action.’  

The ballot opened on 18 May and will close on 6 June.