The success of the May 10 day of action will be, in part, down to how visible this is to the media and to the general public. Your are encouraged, of course, to picket your college or university but there are also opportunties to rally with other union members. Some of the pickets, marches, stalls and leafletting activities that have been organised within the South West Region are listed here. If you know of others please contact me at david.otoole (at) and I will update this page.
Royal United Hospital Bath Hospital, Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NG – from 7am
Walk from Bristol Royal Infirmary rally from 11:30am, Armada House, Telephone Avenue, Bristol, BS1 4BQ
Bristol Royal Infirmary Upper Maudlin Street Bristol – BS2 8HW – 7.30am
Frenchay Hospital main entrance Frenchay Park, Bristol BS16 1LE – 7.30am / 11.45am – 2pm
Southmead Hospital, (Monk Road) Southmead, Bristol BS10 5NB – 7.30am / 11.45am – 2pm
Cornwall Anti-Cuts Alliance have arranged a STRIKERS CAVALCADE through Cornwall on May 10.
8:30 – Minibus pick-up in Lemon Quay, Truro, by the Job Centre. Support the PCS picket there.
9:00 – (until 12:00) UCU activity in Falmouth.
9:00 – Support PCS picket at Pydar House in Truro. Picket outside ATOS premises in Pydar House with Cornwall Disabled People Against the Cuts.
10:00 – Cornwall College in Camborne, link up with UCU members and PCS members
11:00 – Penzance. Offer solidarity to Remploy (threatened with closure) and one other site as directed by Penwith ACA and unions.
12:30 – UCU from Falmouth, STRIKERS CAVALCADE and PCS meet up for the Unite Rally at Treliske Hospital.
13:30 – Truro College to support pickets and meet students.
14:45 – Arrive in St. Austell College.
16:45 – Arrive back Truro.
Howard Newlove Tel: 01872 270106
Stall & leafleting 10:30-11:30, Bedford Square.
Rally from 12:00 noon, City Gate, Lower North Street, Exeter. Speakers, food available.
Royal Devon NHS Exeter Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW – from 7am
RALLY: 12 noon in the Lower Guildhall, Armada Way, Plymouth
Everybody welcome – whether you are on strike or not, join us. Organised by Plymouth Trades Council.
Taunton Hospital Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton – TA1 5DA – Morning leafleting from 7am