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Coffee to Go





Following the opening of the new Forum at The University of Exeter the Exeter management have announce the closure of three staff cafes in Amory, Harrison and Queens’ Buildings. The staff working there are at risk of redundancy as all three are to be closed by the end of this term. Staff whose jobs were affected were only told last week. No union consultation proceeded the decision.

Brett Crane, Unite Branch Secretary says:

“Unite the Union are dismayed at the lack of consultation on these cafe closures. The University continually claims to be interested in staff welfare and the Student Experience. If this was truly so, then surely it would inform and consult staff/cafe users and their representatives at the earliest possible opportunity. To give staff representatives less than 24 hours notice that a decision had already been made, is not acceptable in an institution with Russell Group status.”

UCU, Unison and Unite have all registered their opposition to the closure and the “high-handed” manner of Exeter management in proceeding without any reference to staff, students or their representative bodies.

If you would like to send a message to University of Exeter management sign the petition at:

A5 flyers can be downloaded from here:

or by emailing David O’Toole at for ready printed versions.

or by contacting the South West regional office


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